Mon 7th Apr 2025
7.30 – 9.30pm
Tide End Cottage, Teddington
Fancy learning a new skill? Think you’d like to have a go at crochet? Why not come along to our 2 hour taster workshop and give it a try?
In this introductory session, we’ll take you through the first steps of crochet and teach you how to hold the hook and yarn and make chain, double, half-treble and treble crochet stitches. We’ll also show you a variety of different yarns and talk about different projects you could move on to with just a little more tuition and practice.
You’ll be learning in a relaxed and friendly environment, with experienced teachers Ann and Catherine from Handmade Workshops, and we’ll give you wine, juice or hot drinks to help your concentration!
“what a lovely relaxing and rewarding evening”
“thank you Catherine and Ann – so enjoyable, fun and lovely to learn”